Catalysts New Years’ Intentions


The New Year is such an exciting time. Some people make resolutions. Many people set goals, spend time imagining what they are going to accomplish or change this year, or kick off new projects. Is anyone thinking about New Years’ intentions?

People certainly feel the sense of a clean slate. No more excuses. Everywhere I look this is a time filled with activity and people ready to manifest new things. Fast paced. Active. Frenetic.

My exciting year

As I start my own exciting new position this year, I feel those same tendencies and inclinations.

This is one of the hardest challenges facing Catalysts. Our predisposition towards action can be our downfall.

So my New Years’ intentions including remembering to carve out time. To slow down a bit. Find stillness.

Because I also know that Big New Ideas and Creativity are rarely found on the hamster wheel. It takes quiet time, reflection, and stillness to create the space to allow things to emerge. By letting go and quieting the noise, new connections and epiphanies arise. It’s exactly when we feel like we should be working harder and faster to launch something new, that we need to take a step back and just be.

That is why I am excited for the upcoming Catalyst Constellations retreat in February that I am leading with my amazing partner Tracey Lovejoy. We have an incredible cohort of Change Makers coming together for a weekend of quiet reflection, vision building, and co-creating. We have intentionally picked a beautiful location on the coast in Northern California to provide the beauty and stillness to allow these Catalysts to connect with what is emerging in their work.

If you are a Catalyst, and would like to recharge by joining this Catalyst Community, please reach out!

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