
Are you a Catalyst?

Do you piece together information quickly?
Have many ideas and see near-infinite possibilities?
Move at lightning speed with a bias toward action?
Have an experimentation mindset?
Comfortable with risk and ambiguity?

Chances are, you’re a Catalyst.

Take the Quiz
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Catalysts aren’t typical changemakers.

They are innovators who can’t stop taking in information, connecting dots and changing the world.

If that sounds familiar, you aren’t broken, difficult or an incurable workaholic.You’re a Catalyst, and we believe that means you’re a rock star.

As Catalysts, we think and act differently than most. Sometimes those differences are welcomed and celebrated, and other times, we’re written off as disruptors or troublemakers.

This can impact our performance and perception. And it can start to burn us out.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be that way. We know it doesn’t have to be that way because we’ve lived this, we’ve studied it, heck we even wrote the book on it.

We know the steps to take to ensure your ideas are embraced, not shot down. We have the tools to help pave the path. And we’ve got the passion to partner with you every step of the way.

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“Other people will describe us as being comfortable with risk and ambiguity.
But for most Catalysts, it feels risky not to lean in and try something new.”

Shannon Lucas
Co-CEO & Co-Founder of Catalyst Constellations

Offerings for Catalysts

Catalyzing Organizational Change Course

Get the tools and techniques to bring your vision to life and avoid burning out. In just a few hours a week, you’ll build the skills needed to support the entire change cycle while connecting with other inspiring Catalysts who are facing similar challenges.

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Catalyst Leadership Trust

Surround yourself with other executives leading transformations at some of today’s biggest companies. Join a group of like-hearted, different-minded individuals who will provide you a safe place to push boundaries and troubleshoot ideas on the way to creating positive change.

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Catalyst Programs

Our Catalyst Program alters an organization’s relationship with change, enabling it to be more agile, innovative, and productive. The result? An organization where change is not feared and impact is measurable.

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Resources for Catalysts

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Our Book

Unleash your inner Catalyst with Move Fast. Break Shit. Burn Out., the essential handbook for driving transformative change.

Our Podcast

Join Shannon Lucas and Tracey Lovejoy as they explore the world of Catalysts and the impact they have on organizations.

Our Library

As Catalysts, we need to learn how to tap into our superpowers and how to inspire (not frighten) our peers. Access our full set of tools that will help you thrive, not just survive.

Our Catalyst Values

We don't just teach and coach Catalysts, we are Catalysts. Our values are your values.

Making Big Bold impact

Catalysts are purpose-driven to make positive change in the world. At Catalyst Constellations our commitment is to make big, bold impact in the lives of Catalysts to amplify their changemaking.

Celebrating & Cultivating Our Diversity

Catalysts are a diverse group, connected via our neurodiverse way of experiencing the world: connecting dots, seeing across silos, solving the problems others may not even see. We come from all industries, roles, regions, gender-identities, ethnicities, races, religions, and more. We celebrate our diversity and actively work to expand our networks to cultivate our diversity as a community.

Iterative Mindset

Catalysts move fast, taking steps of action and iterating based on feedback from that action. At Catalyst Constellations we live our value of iteration by experimenting with new ideas, co-creating with our clients and continuously incorporating feedback to make our offerings better.


Doing the work to be present, self-aware and tune in to others with empathy is key to Catalysts’ success. At Catalyst Constellations, we are committed to rejuvenation and mindfulness practices that allow us to stay connected with our clients and colleagues.


Catalysts want to make the world around them better. At Catalyst Constellations, we are committed to growing the Catalyst movement - making our research and tools available to all Catalysts, whether they hire us or not. All interactions start from a place of service and generosity, and a portion of our efforts and time are given without pay.

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