Is a Catalyst Constellations Retreat for you?


If you are catalyzing change, Catalyst Constellations Retreat will fuel you.

As Catalysts we face multiple challenges – burn out, loneliness, getting clear on our next step – to name a few. While there are ways to recharge, there are few optimized for Catalysts, integrating rejuvenation with helping you create clarity and community. That is why we began hosting a Catalyst Constellations Retreat designed for you.

Our goals for retreats are three-fold:

  • Rejuvenation: Catalysts need quiet. We have a bias for action. We often forget that the only way to sustain our energy and impact is by dedicating time to recharge. We focus on developing regenerative practices for the weekend and beyond.
  • Clarity: Catalysts often have a sense of what needs to emerge before others have recognized a need for change. But sometimes our catalytic energy moves us into action before we take time to fully understand and define our vision. Each individual spends time independently and with the cohort refining their vision and next steps.
  • Connection: We are more powerful together. Connecting with and being surrounded by thought leaders who move at your speed and build on your ideas (rather than resist) allows you to build vetted, concrete action plans. And this connection will sustain in peer coaching after the retreat.

We hosted our first retreat in February 2018

While we had high hopes for our Catalyst Constellations Retreat, our expectations were far exceeded.

Feedback from our first Cohort was GLOWING. Each of the goals were met, plus some.

Lunch table discussion between a few people

One unanticipated outcome was an increase in confidence that participants experienced – confidence in their ability to make change, confidence in their current roles, confidence in the action steps they are about to take. Another outcome was a sense of acceleration. As one participant put it:

“I likely would have gotten here, but it would have taken me 6 months or more. I have absolute clarity of how I can put my vision into action NOW and more confidence as I do it.”

Questions to ask yourself if you are considering a Catalyst Constellations Retreat:

  • Could I benefit from a group of Catalysts to help me further my thinking and shape my next steps?
  • Would I enjoy helping others as they create clarity on their journeys?
  • Will it feel delicious to spend time with others that embrace change and move at my pace?
  • Could I use some restoration time to slow down and catch my breath?
  • Will I be a more sustainable agent of change if I built a routine practice of “quiet”?
  • Would I like to build a network of like-minded Change Agents to support me in the future?

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above questions then a Catalyst Constellations Retreat is likely a great fit for you. And if you are still on the fence, take the advice of a previous participant:

“If you’ve gotten to the point where you’re seriously considering it, take the plunge. Dive in head first. Don’t hesitate. Only good things will come of it.”

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